Tuesday, May 22, 2012


We always have to be on the look out for traps.  They are everywhere.  Some are quite obvious, others more subtle.  Everyday is a gift and an opportunity for greatness.  But we need to condition ourselves to see it this way.

Throughout my life I encounter people who seemingly fall into the trap of putting their lives on hold until some future event occurs.  Have you ever heard this (or said this or something like this)... I will be happy after the semester is over... I will be happy when I get married...  I will be happy when I get that promotion...  I will be happy when  I move...  or even when happiness is tied to a material object... I will be happy when I get a new Ipod... I will be happy when I get a new flat screen TV... I will be happy when I get a new laptop... I will be happy when I get a new car, etc.

Well here is a news flash.  Happiness is a choice.  If you are counting on an event, an object or another person to make you happy, you are probably going to be disappointed.  Happiness is up to each of us.  So how do I make myself happy you ask?  Obviously this is personal to each of us, but a few guidelines I've tried to implement and have observed in happy people are:

1) Serve Others.  When we are obsessed with ourselves we seem to not progress.  When we serve others something magical happens. 
2) Take Control.  Many seem to be waiting for someone else to tell them what to do.  We have been given freedom, so let's use it. 
3) No Self Defeating Behavior.  Surround yourself with people and things that inspire you, that make you want to be better.  Have the courage to change the scenery. 
4) Live Within Your Means.  Going without a few trinkets is fine.  Really.  You don't need the newest "everything."
5) Exercise and Eat Well.  If you feel good you will have an improved outlook and will make better decisions.

So here is a TIP FROM A MAN... Live your life today, then live tomorrow and then the next day.  It is awesome to be pumped about some future event.  It is healthy and necessary to set goals.  But just don't wait to be happy until... (fill in the blank).  Be happy today!

Enjoy life!

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