Tuesday, July 3, 2012


If you are looking around for a little inspiration this summer, check out what is currently going on and what will soon be going on in Europe over the next month or so.  Two of my absolute favorite events are the Tour de France and the Olympic games.  I just love to be involved as a participant or as a spectator when people are competing at a high level.

Let's face it, we have jobs, families, charitable and civic duties.  We need to balance our lives.  Athletes that compete at this level eat, sleep and drink their sport.  They probably have significant support in terms of coaching and training/medical assistance.  That doesn't describe me.  Probably not you either.  However, when I watch them do what they do in such an amazing way, it makes me want to eat a bit better, train with a bit more focus, and generally be a bit more dedicated.  I was recently with a father of young teen and pre-teen children.  He asked me if I had been watching the U.S. Olympic trials and then related how his children have been so inspired by the performances they were witnessing.  It provided a wonderful teaching opportunity for this father to encourage his children to dream and then work to achieve those dreams.

So here is a TIP FROM A MAN... get up early and watch the Tour de France... hang on every stroke, jump, run, throw, dive, takedown, lift and tumble of the Olympic games.  See if it helps you to want to be a bit better... to live your life at a higher level.  To be a better parent, coach, weekend warrior, employee, business owner, volunteer etc., etc., or any combination of the above.

I think it will.  I think we all will train a bit harder and eat a bit better.  This inspiration will help us to...

enjoy life! 

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