Friday, December 14, 2012


The human spirit.  The newspapers and evening news are dominated by nasty politics, disasters and all manner of tragedy.  Popular TV shows feature murder, with often more than one murder to solve in each episode.  So, rarely do we get to hear human interest stories like this one.  Please view this short video about a war hero that most everyone had given up on.  Fortunately almost everyone - not everyone...

Here is a TIP FROM A MAN... if you see some of yourself in this man, please believe in yourself.  If you know someone like this, figure out a way to reach out and help.  This can be a delicate subject.  There is no one way to do this.  This man reached a point where he was receptive to help.  If someone isn't ready, just build a relationship so that when he is ready, trust has been established.

We do not know the diet or exercise program that was followed here other than a few yoga clips.  But it goes to show that setting ones mind to a goal then following through can lead to a life changing transformation.  Congratulations Arthur, where ever you are.

Enjoy life!

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